St. Josephs Church, Namagiripettai
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St. Josephs Church Namagripettai
Rasipuram-via Namakal Dt
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Namgiripettai is a mission station in the diocese of Salem and belonged to the parish of Kakkavaery, which is 30 kms away from Salem. With the intention of developing this center, the diocese planned to erect it into a parish and hand it over to the Vincentians. With this intention in mind, the province had appointed Fr. Saji Iypenparambil,C.M, as the father-in-charge of the mission. From 7th June, 2010, onwards Fr. Saji was remaining in the mother parish and is looking after the new mission center of the Vincentians. later it was erected as the parish and Vincentians constructed a beautiful church. The parish has three sub-stations and is dedicated to St. Joseph. The province also has a plan of establishing an educational institution in near future.